Food Safety

G.A.P. – Good Agricultural Practices

At Townsend Farms our customers are an extension of our family and we take food safety very seriously. Our farm as well as our affiliate source farms all utilize Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) following stringent safety strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of microbial contamination.

G.M.P. – Good Manufacturing Practices

All of our Townsend farm facilities are additionally subjected to regular third-party inspection following the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines enforced by the FDA to ensure hygienic food processing procedures.

Produce Traceability

We know exactly where every berry originates, and we ensure our consumers can as well. We were early adopters of the Produce Traceability Initiative. Every package of our fruit, whether Private Label or Townsend Farms, fresh or frozen, contains a number that points to the farm on which it was grown. We do everything we can to prevent issues from the source. But if a problem ever does arise, it can be traced and resolved immediately.

Food Safety at Home

You can help keep fresh produce safe once you get it home.
Bag and store fresh fruits separately from raw meat, poultry, and seafood products.
Store in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40°F or below.
Thoroughly wash all produce, whether conventionally or organically grown, under running water just before eating, cutting, or cooking. (Soap, detergent, or commercial produce washes are not recommended)